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OOP Concepts

Data Abstraction:
It is the process in which background or unimportant details hided and only necessary details are represented. It is one of the important OOP concepts that widely used.

This is another important OOP Concept. The process of wrapping up or binding the data and methods (functions) into a single unit is often called Encapsulation. This is the OOP Concept that help to provide security features in object oriented programming. As encapsulation helps to break the connection of the contents from outside world that protect the content from reauthorized access of data.

Inheritance means acquiring properties from ancestor. Similarly, "Inheritance is method in which object of one class acquire the features of object of another class". It means that one can use the same class to update properties of that class by inheritance.
Its biggest benefit is that the re-usability of codes.

This OOP Concept is very useful. In polymorphism made with to word 'Poly' means many and 'morphism' means more. Polymorphism means to take more than one form. It is of two types i) compile time polymorphism and ii) run time polymorphism.


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